Track Metrics

Top Keywords

Top keywords log shows the top keywords searched by the team and their occurrences for the past 30 days. With the help of filters, you can see the top keywords searched channel wise and over a period of time. This will help you to understand your team’s usage and get better adoption. You can also choose to exclude specific keywords from the graphical report by clicking on the filter option (word cloud filter) and selecting the keywords from the dropdown.

Top Keywords
Top Keywords

Word Cloud Filters
Word Cloud Filters

Activity Log

You can also track the activity log when you click on ‘Show request’ for a particular keyword. The Activity log shows the requests made for the particular keyword in Slack channels configured with Troopr Wiki and how it was answered. Troopr provides an Activity Log report that shows this data over a period of time.

Show all in Top Keywords
Show all in Top Keywords

Activity Log
Activity Log

Steps to track top keywords and activity log

Step 1: Go to Troopr app: using Slack SSO. Step 2: Click on "Troopr Wiki" on the left side panel and choose "Analytics". Step 3: You can see the Top keywords graph on the page. Step 4: Click on ‘Show All’ to see the list of keywords and their occurrences in a table. Step 5: Click on ‘Show request’ on a particular keyword to see the activity log report for the particular keyword.