Creating requests

Requesting Defaults

Global requesting defaults

By default, the request creation form will ask the user to select the project and request type first. However, you can set a default project and request type for everyone in your workspace by configuring it in the Troopr web app (

Configuring global creation defaults

Login to the Troopr web app and navigate to Troopr HelpDesk => Connection page. Look for section titled "Request creation behaviour".

Set the default project and request type as shown below.

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These creation defaults will be applicable across your Slack workspace. If there are creation defaults setup in the channel level, then those will override the global defaults.

Channel requesting defaults

Set a default project and request type for a channel by configuring it in the Troopr web app ( This helps users to quickly create the requests in the corresponding Slack channels.

Configuring creation defaults

To get started, type the following command in the designated Slack channel/t configure to open the configuration options. Then click on "Channel Defaults" to open the form. Set the Project, Board and Issue type and save the settings for the channel.

Document image

You can always update these settings by launching configuration options using /t configure