Enable Guest access

Channel Guest Facilitation

Unverified users (users who are yet to connect their Jira account) can now create and comment on Jira requests using this feature. The HelpDesk admin can authorize a Jira account for guest facilitation at Slack channel level.

Setting up Guest Facilitation

The Help Desk admin can set up guest facilitation by following the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Open Troopr Web App > Help desk > Channel Preferences > Select a support channel

Document image

Step 2: Under the Guest Facilitation section > Click Authorize

Scope of access facilitated

Guest facilitation will be triggered in the following scenarios :

  • On enabling auto create issues, unverified can either post messages in channels or add the issue creation emoji to a message in the channel.
  • On enabling thread sync when an unverified user posts message in the thread.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Any comment posted by guest users on threads, will be added using Facilitator's Account on behalf of the guest user.
๐Ÿ‘‰ย Guest Facilitation feature works for HelpDesk support channels only
๐Ÿ‘‰ Users with verified accounts will continue to use their own accounts for Jira activities in the channel. Guest facilitation will be fallback for unverified users only.
