Sync Jira issues with Slack

Channel Sync

Create dedicated channels that sync 2-way with a Jira request.

Channel Sync Key Features

  • All updates and activities from Jira will be posted on this channel
  • All conversations in this channel will get updated as comments in the request
  • Participants, if any, from the Jira request will be automatically added as members of the channel
  • You can pause and resume syncing in the channel as you need by typing /t configure
  • Troopr will respond privately to message action triggers ("Task It", emoji actions) in the channel

3 ways to start Channel Sync

  • From Troopr Assistant App Home
  • From request card drop-down "Start Channel Sync" action
  • From within the channel

Option 1: Starting Channel Sync from Troopr Assistant App Home

Step 1: In the Troopr App Home Page, click on Channel Sync button

Step 2: Channel Sync modal will open up, enter your preferances and press Start to begin Channel sync.

Option 2: Starting Channel Sync with a request card

In your request card > Click Select an Optiondropdown > Click on Start Channel Sync

Option 3: Start Channel Sync with Channel Onboarding

In the channel onboarding panel, scroll to last option > Click ondiscussing one Jira issue in the channel to start Channel Sync.

👉 Channel Sync can only be configured in a channel where Troopr is not already configured.
👉 Any new channel without Troopr will automatically invite Troopr once Channel Sync is started in it.
👉 If the channel is syncing with a JSM ticket, internal comments will not sync by default.

Automatic Channel sync

Set up automatic channel sync for selected projects, with JQL filters and conditions. Whenever the conditions (start channel sync only when this happens in Jira)  are satisfied in the selected project and JQL, Troopr would automatically create a new channel with the name specified in the ‘New Slack channel configuration’ tab.  Users can create mutiple automatic channel sync with this feature.

Setup Automatic channel sync:

Step 1: Go to Troopr web app- HelpDesk- Channel sync- Automatic channel sync- +New automatic channel sync

Step 2: Choose the project, type the JQL (mandatory)

Step 3: Under ‘Start channel sync only when this happens in Jira’, choose between the options  ‘Issue is created’ or ‘Issue field is updated’. This will determine when the channel must be created. 

Step 4: If you have selected, ‘Issue field is updated’, choose the field as well. 

Step 5: By default, your channel name will be under the syntax @@@jira_issue_key@@@-troopr-sync (eg: ip-32-channel-sync) but you can change it to issue summary syntax. 

To change the channel name syntax, click on ‘Show channel name syntax’, copy the preferred syntax and paste it in the field. You can also make the channel private by clicking on the ‘Make channel private’ checkbox. 

Step 7: Once the configurations are set, click on ‘Save’. 

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Based on this configuration, whenever an issue is created in the Jira project ‘Design (DES)’, with resolution=Unresolved, a new private channel will be created in the configured Slack workspace. The assignee, reporter, watchers will get automatically added to this Slack channel. 

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You can configure the channel sync even further by choosing how syncing should work in that channel. Choose between 2 way (all Slack messages will be added as issue comments and all issue updates will be posted to this channel), 1 way (post issue updates from Jira to this channel) or no sync. You can also delete the channel sync by clicking on ‘Delete’ button.

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Once a channel has been created, you can disable it by switching off the status in ‘Channel sync’ under ‘HelpDesk.’

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Note: Channel sync will only work in the workspace where channel sync is created in grid