
What's new 2023

Nov 07, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

Troopr now supports ‘user name’ in private channel attribution text. 

Oct 31, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

Troopr now supports ‘Assign to me’ action in custom emoji actions. When the emoji is used, the issue will be assigned to the emoji creator.

Sep 26, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • You can now disable auto issue creation for certain messages by using an emoji at the start of the message. To enable, Projects- Channel preferences- Auto create- For every message posted- Disable auto-create when message starts with emoji.
  • Issue preview (unfurl) is now configurable at the global level. To configure global issue preview, Projects- Connection- Issue Preview (Unfurl). Note: Enabling global issue preview will enable active bi-directional realtime updates between Slack and Jira everytime a Jira issue preview is created in Slack by Troopr. 

Sep 12, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • Administrators can now view the list of channels Troopr was invited to and hasn't been configured for any particular product. To view the list, go to Troopr webapp- Troopr Product- Channel preferences- Invited channels tab. Administrators have the option to configure the channel as a specific Troopr product channel there.
  • In Issue card customization, administrators can now configure to show the last updated date. Read more on issue card customization here

Aug 29, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • We’ve added a new feature which allows only admins to configure Troopr new Slack channels in Troopr.  For existing channel configurations, corresponding channel administrator(s) in Troopr will have access to update them. To configure this, go to Troopr webapp- Settings- Admin- Channel configuration restriction and turn it on. 
  •  Attribution setting is now available at the Channel level. When a Jira issue is created in the Slack channel, Troopr will add this attribution text to the bottom of issue description. Created by Troopr from @@@slack_message_link@@@ posted by @@@user@@@ in @@@#slack_channel_name@@@

Aug 24, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • When customizing your Slack app's home data, you now have the ability to incorporate JQL common filters. This allows you to tailor your app's home to display data in accordance with the specific JQL filter of your choice. Read more on how to personalize your Slack app's home here
  • We’ve implemented a feature that consolidates multiple updates occurring within a 30-second timeframe into a single message within the same thread. This means that if there are successive updates to the same issue in Slack within this short interval, they will be combined and Troopr will not send separate notification messages for each update. 
  • We've introduced a new feature that enables automatic creation of Jira issues when a message is shared from one channel to another. If the second channel has auto-create enabled, any shared message will instantly transform into a Jira issue.

Aug 16, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

Troopr now allows users to create an issue along with the thread. When a Slack message is converted to an issue using /t create command, the issue card response will be sent as a public message with thread. If disabled issue card will be sent as a private message without any thread.

July 14, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

Troopr now unfurls the links which are added as proxy URLs in Troopr web app, while excluding support for external URLs when an issue key is present.

July 04, 2023- Archive issue messages once resolved

Admins can now move resolved issue card messages between channels. Once enabled, the message shifts to the chosen archive channel from the current channel after issue resolution. To use this feature go to Projects - Channel- Notification subscription-  Under appearance click on ‘Customise’ - Enable ‘Archive message to another channel’. 

June 28, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • You can now disable auto ticket creation for certain messages by using the 📢emoji at the start of the message. To enable, Helpdesk- Channel preferences- Auto create- For every message posted- Disable auto-create when message starts with 📢emoji.
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  • Troopr now supports all custom fields in custom emoji action issue creation and issue updation. Read more on custom emoji actions here

June 06, 2023

Internal Feedback Management

Administrators can now configure custom feedback for the workspace. They can set up the email and channel the feedback should be sent to and also set up a help docs. This is useful when you have a helpdesk in your organization to manage internal feedback. Read more here.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • When a new Jira issue is created from Slack using emoji ticketing, all the thread conversations get added into the Jira issue as Jira comments now. 

June 06, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • Copy channel configurations to multiple channels- Admins can now duplicate channel configurations from one channel to multiple channels at once. Go to Troopr webapp- Projects- Channel preferences- Click on the three dots near to the channel whose preferences you want to copy- Copy the channel configurations to the desired channels.

May 25, 2023- Issue view customization

Customize how Troopr will show issue details when viewing issue details in Slack. Choose if you want to hide or show certain fields and also select their alignment in the issue card.  You can customise this feature from Troopr webapp- Projects- Channel preferences- Issue view customization.

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Fixes and Enhancements

  • Channel sync- Add people from a field to the channel created via channel sync. When a user field is configured, Troopr will attempt to add the user(s) selected in the field to the channel. You can customise this feature from Troopr webapp- Helpdesk- Channel sync.
  • Users can now @mention another user while commenting on an issue using the Troopr comment button. 
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May 16, 2023- Block autocreate with emoji

In Slack channels with the auto-create feature enabled, employees often share announcement messages that they don't want to create as tickets. To prevent auto-creation, they can simply start the message with the megaphone emoji (📢). To enable this feature: Troopr webapp - Projects - Channel preferences - Go into the channel - Auto create - Stop auto-create when message starts with 📢emoji

May 09, 2023- Mutiple automatic channel sync

Administrators can now set up multiple automatic channel sync for selected projects, with JQL filters and conditions. Whenever the conditions (selected project, JQL filter, Jira action)  are satisfied, Troopr would automatically create a new channel with the name specified in the ‘New Slack channel configuration’ tab. Read more here.

May 02, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

Administrators can now choose between 2 way, 1 way and no sync while setting up the automatic channel sync configurations. Once this is setup, all channels created using the automatic channel sync will have the sync defaults. To access this feature, go to Projects - Automatic channel sync- New channel sync defaults and choose between 2 way sync/1 way sync/no sync. You can also choose the type of Jira request updates posted to Slack channel sync.

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Apr 25, 2023- New Slack App Home

Troopr’s Slack apphome has been updated to better fit the Slack users and provides quick access to all of Troopr's features such as issue creation, channel sync, reporting etc. Additionally, users can customize their own Apphome, while administrators can customize a global Apphome for all users in their workspace. Read more here

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Apr 18, 2023- New Dashboard Design

Troopr’s dashboard design has been updated to provide a better user experience. With this update, administrators will have easy access to important metrics directly from the dashboard, making it easier for them to track the performance of their projects. However, please note that non-admin users will not have access to these metrics, as they are only available to administrators.

Admin Dashboard
Admin Dashboard

Non admin Dashboard
Non admin Dashboard

Apr 11, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • When a public channel’s name is updated in Slack, it will now automatically be changed in Troopr webapp as well. 

Mar 29, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • Users can now view the product wise activities in a pie chart in Troopr web app metrics page. To access the metrics page, go to Troopr webapp - Home - Metrics.
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Mar 14, 2023- Disable potential duplicate notifications

You can now avoid duplicate notifications by turning on this feature. Troopr sends notifications about issue updates to all related parties including assignee, reporter & participants. This configuration allows you to disable such notifications if those people are already participants in Slack threads where the issue is discussed in this channel. To access this feature, go to Troopr webapp - Projects - Channel preferences- click on the project channel- scroll down to 'Notify only when not a thread participant'.

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Mar 07, 2023- Feature update

Issue card customization

Troopr now supports a new issue card customization design.  The new design supports a live preview and separate tabs where you can change the title, add or remove attributes, buttons, and make changes to the appearance of thread sync. To access this feature, go to Troopr Webapp - Projects - Channel preferences - Issue card customization. 

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Feb 21, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

In automatic channel sync, administrators can now choose the new Slack channel name to have the issue field value when it is a single line. Read more on Automatic sync and how to set it up here.  

Feb 14, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  1. Whenever an issue is closed or marked as done, the existing notification thread will be stopped. And the next time there is a new update in the issue, the notification will be sent as a new message in the channel. 
  2. When the notification subscription is deleted or disabled, all notification thread syncs will be stopped for the recent 50 notification messages. An acknowledgement message will also be sent in the channel informing the same.
  3. When auto create is enabled for ‘For every message posted' or 'Auto create issue when unattended'' or 'Send Reminder to create issue’, issue preview will be disabled. Auto create with issue preview will work when auto create is enabled for 'On any “Emoji action” for issue creation'.

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Feb 07, 2023- New Feature

Emoji markers

Emoji markers add emojis to the Slack message based on specific criteria. Eg: when issues are created, assigned or closed, the relevant emojis will be added on the message. Read more here.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • Guest users who are not verified or mapped can unfurl the issue now. To enable this feature, go to  Projects - Connection - Enable Global Guest Facilitation- Enable ‘Allow guest users to unfurl.

Jan 24, 2023- Fixes and Enhancements

  • Watchers of the issue are also now added into the new channel sync created for the particular issue.

Jan 09, 2023- Feature updates

Emoji action updates

  • Troopr now supports 3 levels for emoji actions. Administrators can now set up emoji actions for workspace, channel and personal level. All users can set up emoji actions for their personal use. Read more on emoji actions here
  • Troopr now supports a new custom emoji action - :light-bulb: . This emoji action can be used to search matching Confluence pages for the Slack message. When you add the light bulb emoji to a Slack message, Troopr immediately searches and brings to you the relevant confluence pages.
Point to remember -  If ‘Space’ is not already configured in emoji configuration, then the configuration for emoji confluence search would be:  Matching Type : Loose, Matching Scope : Title,Label and all spaces.

Thread and Channel sync updates

  • Administrators can now enable thread sync for certain conditions. For only the selected filter condition Troopr would send Jira updates to the Slack thread. To customize, go to Troopr webapp- Projects- Channel preferences- Customise channel- Thread sync- Choose the filter conditions under sync filter. Read more on thread sync here
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  • Administrators can now choose between 2 way, 1 way and no sync after the channel sync is created. To access this feature, once you have created a new channel sync, go to the channel and click on ‘Customize sync’. Now choose between 2 way sync/1 way sync/no sync. Read more on channel sync here
  •  In automatic channel sync, administrators can now choose the new Slack channel name to have the issue key or issue summary. To change the channel name, go to Projects/ HelpDesk- Channel sync- Automatic channel sync. Click on update and select ‘Channel name syntax’. Copy and paste the syntax of issue key or issue summary on the field value box. Read more on Automatic sync here.  
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  • Users can now stop all existing sync configurations for an issue while starting a new channel sync. Start a new channel sync from the thread and click on ‘Stop all existing sync configurations for this issue’. This will stop all other existing syncs for that particular issue. Read more on channel sync here
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Guest bot Restrictions

Issue creation reminder

Similar to guest user and project restrictions, Troopr now supports ‘Guest bot restrictions’. Administrators can now allow or block guest access to specific bots using this feature. To access this feature, go to Troopr webapp- Projects- Connections- Global guest facilitation- Guest bot restrictions. 

You can now send reminders to users to create issues. When this feature is enabled, for every message that is sent in the channel, Troopr would remind the user to create an issue by adding a button to that Slack message. To access this feature, go to Troopr Webapp- Projects- Channel preferences- Configure the desired channel- Issue creation behavior- Auto create- Select ‘Send reminder to create issue’.

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Auto issue creation when unattended

You can now automatically create issues when the Slack message is unattended for 5 minutes. To access this feature, go to Troopr Webapp- Projects- Channel preferences- Configure the desired channel- Issue creation behavior- Auto create- Select 'Auto create request when unattended (no response in 5 mins)'. Now whenever a Slack message is unattended for 5 minutes, Troopr automatically creates a Jira issue based on the channel defaults.

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