What's new
Follow new features and improvements to Troopr HelpDesk here.
Administrators can now personalize agents' off-hours settings, defining specific days and times. During these periods, auto creation will be enabled, while emoji markers triggered by unattended messages will be disabled.
- Troopr now unfurls the links which are added as proxy URLs in Troopr web app, while excluding support for external URLs when an issue key is present.
- CSAT feedback is sent within the ticket's existing thread, replacing the previous method of sending it through the Troopr bot channel.
- The 'No Results Behavior' feature is now toggleable, allowing users to enable or disable it. Previously, this feature was enabled by default.
The latest enhancement allows agents to seamlessly include all Slack messages from a conversation thread as internal comments within the system. This capability is exclusively accessible within agent channels on the Helpdesk platform. When this feature is enabled, all comments within the thread will be automatically transformed into private comments linked to the corresponding Jira ticket. Notably, these internal comments will remain visible solely to authorized agents.When agents intend to contribute public comments, a simple solution exists: by affixing a "mega emoji" at the beginning of a message. This feature works only with JSM projects. To use this feature, go to
Admins can now move resolved issue card messages between channels. Once enabled, the message shifts to the chosen archive channel from the current channel after issue resolution. To use this feature go to Helpdesk - Channel- Notification subscription- Under appearance click on ‘Customise’ - Enable ‘Archive message to another channel’.
Admins can now move resolved issue card messages between channels. Once enabled, the message shifts to the chosen archive channel from the current channel after issue resolution. To use this feature go to Helpdesk- Channel- Notification subscription- Under appearance click on ‘Customize’ - Enable ‘Archive message to another channel’.
Note: This feature is available only for agent channels.
- You can now disable auto ticket creation for certain messages by using the 📢emoji at the start of the message. To enable, Helpdesk- Channel preferences- Auto create- For every message posted- Disable auto-create when message starts with 📢emoji

- Troopr now supports all custom fields in custom emoji action issue creation and issue updation. Read more on custom emoji actions here
All participants of an issue can be made members of the channel sync channel. When the feature is enabled, users from following user fields will be added automatically: assignee, reporter, request participants, watchers. If disabled only the assignee and reporter will be added to the channel. To enable, Helpdesk- Channel sync- All participants should be members of the channel.
Administrators can now configure custom feedback for the workspace. They can set up the email and channel the feedback should be sent to and also set up a help docs. This is useful when you have a helpdesk in your organization to manage internal feedback. Read more here.
- When a new Jira issue is created from Slack using emoji ticketing, all the thread conversations get added into the Jira issue as Jira comments now.
- Requestor as Reporter- When converting a Slack message to Jira request, Troopr will try to make the user who posted the Slack message as the reporter. When that is not possible, Troopr will fallback to make the request creator as the reporter. Disabling this feature will make request creators as reporter always. To enable, Helpdesk- Channel preferences- Requestor as Reporter
- Copy channel configurations to multiple channels- Admins can now duplicate channel configurations from one channel to multiple channels at once. Go to Troopr webapp- Helpdesk- Channel preferences- Click on the three dots near to the channel whose preferences you want to copy- Copy the channel configurations to the desired channels.
- CSAT Feedback Request- Troopr now sends CSAT Feedback request to the requestor in Slack thread if the thread sync in on. If the thread sync is not on, then the CSAT feedback request will be sent to the request’s Troopr Assistant DM.
Customize how Troopr will show issue details when viewing issue details in Slack. Choose if you want to hide or show certain fields and also select their alignment in the issue card. You can customise this feature from Troopr webapp- Helpdesk- Channel preferences- Issue view customization.

- Channel sync- Add people from a field to the channel created via channel sync. When a user field is configured, Troopr will attempt to add the user(s) selected in the field to the channel. You can customise this feature from Troopr webapp- Helpdesk- Channel sync.
- Users can now @mention another user while commenting on an issue using the Troopr comment button.

Administrators can now set up multiple automatic channel sync for selected projects, with JQL filters and conditions. Whenever the conditions (selected project, JQL filter, Jira action) are satisfied, Troopr would automatically create a new channel with the name specified in the ‘New Slack channel configuration’ tab. Read more here.
Administrators can now choose between 2 way, 1 way and no sync while setting up the automatic channel sync configurations. Once this is setup, all channels created using the automatic channel sync will have the sync defaults. To access this feature, go to HelpDesk - Automatic channel sync- New channel sync defaults and choose between 2 way sync/1 way sync/no sync. You can also choose the type of Jira request updates posted to Slack channel sync.

Troopr’s Slack apphome has been updated to better fit the Slack users and provides quick access to all of Troopr's features such as issue creation, channel sync, reporting etc. Additionally, users can customize their own Apphome, while administrators can customize a global Apphome for all users in their workspace. Read more here.
Troopr’s dashboard design has been updated to provide a better user experience. With this update, administrators will have easy access to important metrics directly from the dashboard, making it easier for them to track the performance of their projects. However, please note that non-admin users will not have access to these metrics, as they are only available to administrators.

- When a public channel’s name is updated in Slack, it will now automatically be changed in Troopr webapp as well.
- In Jira tickets, when any member of the service desk team clicks on the view button, they can now see the SLA information of the ticket containing the response and resolution times.
- Users can now view the product wise activities in a pie chart in Troopr web app metrics page. To access the metrics page, go to Troopr webapp - Home - Metrics.
You can now avoid duplicate notifications by turning on this feature. Troopr sends notifications about ticket updates to all related parties including assignee, reporter & participants. This configuration allows you to disable such notifications if those people are already participants in Slack threads where the ticket is discussed in this channel. To access this feature, go to Troopr webapp - HelpDesk - Channel preferences- click on the agent channel- scroll down to 'Notify only when not a thread participant'.
Troopr now supports a new issue card customization design. The new design supports a live preview and separate tabs where you can change the title, add or remove attributes, buttons, and make changes to the appearance of thread sync. To access this feature, go to Troopr Webapp - HelpDesk - Channel preferences - Issue card customization.

In automatic channel sync, administrators can now choose the new Slack channel name to have the issue field value when it is a single line. Read more on Automatic sync and how to set it up here.
- Whenever an issue is closed or marked as done, the existing notification thread will be stopped. And the next time there is a new update in the issue, the notification will be sent as a new message in the channel.
- When the notification subscription is deleted or disabled, all notification thread syncs will be stopped for the recent 50 notification messages. An acknowledgement message will also be sent in the channel informing the same.
- When auto create is enabled for ‘For every message posted' or 'Auto create issue when unattended'' or 'Send Reminder to create issue’, issue preview will be disabled. Auto create with issue preview will work when auto create is enabled for 'On any “Emoji action” for issue creation'.

Emoji markers add emojis to the Slack message based on specific criteria. Eg: when issues are created, assigned or closed, the relevant emojis will be added on the message. Read more here.
- Guest users who are not verified or mapped can unfurl the issue now. To enable this feature, go to Helpdesk - Connection - Enable Global Guest Facilitation- Enable ‘Allow guest users to unfurl.
- Watchers of the issue are also now added into the new channel sync created for the particular issue.
- New request card design
Troopr now supports a new request card design in the support channel. The ⚡emoji represents that the request card is synced with Jira. On clicking on the ‘Close’ button, the request will get closed/resolved/completed depending on your workflow. Clicking on ‘Discuss in Private’ will create a new channel sync for that request.
- Troopr now supports 3 levels for emoji actions. Administrators can now set up emoji actions for workspace, channel and personal level. All users can set up emoji actions for their personal use. Read more on emoji actions here.
- Troopr now supports a new custom emoji action - :light-bulb: . This emoji action can be used to search matching Confluence pages for the Slack message. When you add the light bulb emoji to a Slack message, Troopr immediately searches and brings to you the relevant confluence pages.
- Administrators can now enable thread sync for certain conditions. For only the selected filter condition Troopr would send Jira updates to the Slack thread. To customize, go to Troopr webapp- HelpDesk- Channel preferences- Customise channel- Thread sync- Choose the filter conditions under sync filter. Read more on thread sync here.
- Administrators can now choose between 2 way, 1 way and no sync after the channel sync is created. To access this feature, once you have created a new channel sync, go to the channel and click on ‘Customize sync’. Now choose between 2 way sync/1 way sync/no sync. Read more on channel sync here.
- In automatic channel sync, administrators can now choose the new Slack channel name to have the issue key or issue summary. To change the channel name, go to Projects/ HelpDesk- Channel sync- Automatic channel sync. Click on update and select ‘Channel name syntax’. Copy and paste the syntax of issue key or issue summary on the field value box. Read more on Automatic sync here.
- Users can now stop all existing sync configurations for an issue while starting a new channel sync. Start a new channel sync from the thread and click on ‘Stop all existing sync configurations for this issue’. This will stop all other existing syncs for that particular issue. Read more on channel sync here.
- Similar to guest user and project restrictions, Troopr now supports ‘Guest bot restrictions’. Administrators can now allow or block guest access to specific bots using this feature. To access this feature, go to Troopr webapp- HelpDesk- Connections- Global guest facilitation- Guest bot restrictions.
You can now send reminders to users to create issues. When this feature is enabled, for every message that is sent in the channel, Troopr would remind the user to create an issue by adding a button to that Slack message. To access this feature, go to Troopr Webapp-HelpDesk- Channel preferences- Configure the desired channel- Issue creation behavior- Auto create- Select ‘Send reminder to create issue’.

You can now automatically create issues when the Slack message is unattended for 5 minutes. To access this feature, go to Troopr Webapp- HelpDesk- Channel preferences- Configure the desired channel- Issue creation behavior- Auto create- Select 'Auto create request when unattended (no response in 5 mins)'. Now whenever a Slack message is unattended for 5 minutes, Troopr automatically creates a Jira issue based on the channel defaults.

- Added a new pre-defined emoji action :speech_balloon: emoji to add the Slack message as comment to an existing Jira issue. Read more about emoji actions here.

- Added new pre-defined emoji actions like :eyes: emoji to assign the issue to yourself, :green check mark: emoji to mark the issue status and resolution as done. Read more about emoji actions here.
Administrators can now set up automatic channel sync for selected projects, with JQL filters and conditions. Whenever the conditions (selected project, JQL filter, Jira action) are satisfied, Troopr would automatically create a new channel with the name specified in the ‘New Slack channel configuration’ tab.

- Users can now attach multiple attachments with tickets at the time of creation or in the thread sync.
- Administrators can now enable or disable the leading message (message containing information about how to customize thread sync behavior) and @mention reporter message in the thread sync. Read more on thread sync here.

- Using guest facilitation, when Troopr creates an issue from another bot message, the name of the bot is included in the Jira issue.
- The ‘Issue created successfully’ message which used to show up whenever an issue was created has now been removed.
- Emoji action changes- When an emoji action is created for issue/ticket create action, administrators can now handle behavior of emoji creation. Administrators can choose between ‘Always’- show issue creation button when user reacts with the emoji on a Slack message, ‘On failure’- show issue creation button (+issue ) only when issue could not be created automatically or ‘Never’- never show the issue creation button.
- Issue card customization changes- Issue card customization is not dependent on the project defaults set in the channel. Any project notification, creation or unfurl that happens in the channel will have the same issue card customization set automatically.
Administrators can now set up personal preferences [personal notifications, request creation behavior, thread sync] for a verified team member [team members who have verified their account with Troopr]. This can be done in the ‘Team member preferences’ tab in ‘Personal preferences’. Users can later change their preferences under the ‘My preferences’ tab in ‘Personal preferences’.
Administrators can now set up default personal notifications for team members. This configuration will be default only to all first time users who have verified their account with Troopr. The user can later change their notification preferences under the ‘My preferences’ tab in ‘Personal preferences’.
- Setting up the default request type is now optional.
- Request creation form used to get stuck in the processing state earlier. The bug has been fixed and the request creation form does not get stuck anymore.
- When global guest facilitation is not enabled and an unverified user comments in the thread sync, Troopr used to send a prompt asking the user to verify their account with Troopr. In the new release, we have added a ‘Don’t remind me again’ button. This would stop Troopr from sending the reminder prompt.
- Customers can now take any action in a channel by enabling the guest facilitation in that designated channel.
- If a guest user who is not a part of Jira creates a request, Troopr would add the guest as a customer in Jira and assign that customer as the reporter for the request.
- Jira issue URL has now been shortened. Hover over any issue to see the shortened Jira URL.
- When you delete the unfurl messages, the issue card will now be deleted as well.
- In issues, the @ mentioning of the reporter, has now been changed to a simple text mention.
- Notification thread will now be disabled automatically if the notification subscription is switched off.
- External users can now use emoji ticketing and auto create in a shared channel. Prerequisite: Global guest facilitation must be enabled.
Troopr HelpDesk now supports external Slack workspace users. When the global guest facilitation feature is on, external users can create requests, view created requests, search for documents and create issues in Troopr bot channel (Troopr Assistant DM channel).

Administrators can now create custom commands for issue actions including creating, finding and listing issues.
'Issue create' action allows you to create commands with pre-built filter, custom filter, JQL filter or filter from Jira. ‘Issue list’ action will show list of Jira issues with the filter conditions selected. Eg: Show list of Jira issues assigned to me. ‘Issue find’ action will find Jira issues containing the search-keyword along with the selected filter conditions(/t command search-keyword).

- If an issue from a project is moved to another project, the existing thread of the original issue in the original project will not be removed.
Users can now download Troopr Helpdesk App for Slack workspace from Troopr.ai website. This app will help your support team triage requests, automate answering support queries and track employee requests in Slack. To read more about how your team can cut employee support time by 80% click here.
Unverified users (users who are yet to connect their Jira account) can now create, take action and comment on Jira requests using this feature. The HelpDesk admin can authorize a Jira account for guest facilitation at Slack Workspace level.

Guest user restriction feature would be available only if Global Guest facilitation is authorized.
In guest user restrictions, admin can allow only selected users or block selected users in the workspace. The users who are blocked will not be able to create or take any action on requests. Likewise, only the users who are allowed, would have all privileges to create or take any action on requests.

Administrators can now allow only selected request types while creating requests in Slack by enabling request type restrictions.
To use this feature:
Go to Troopr Web App > Helpdesk > Connection > Request Type Restriction > Set your preferences
- Troopr’s Channel sync feature allows users to sync conversations in a Slack channel to a Jira request. Agent users now have the option to set up channel sync in private channels.
- For some grid users, the guest facilitation feature was not working, this issue has now been fixed.
Users with any additional bot(s) other than Troopr in a particular channel can now trigger options Troopr actions for the other bots active in the channel. Users can now use Troopr features like Emoji ticketing,Task-it, and Unfurling for other bots.

Users can now customize the values for action buttons for Jira Issue Card display modal. The customized values will be shown in a drop down list for users to choose from. Follow the steps below to customize your action button:
Step 1 : Open Troopr Web App > Helpdesk > Channel Preferences > Choose preferred Agent channel > Click Configure > On the bottom left click on Click Issue Card Customization Step 2 : Click on the action button drop down list and select your preferred display value Step 3: In designated Slack channel, assigned action button values get reflected in Issue Card Modal

Users are now provided with the option ‘Assign’ in the issue card modal allowing to designate another person as assignee for a request. Earlier users could only assign an Issue to themselves using the 'Assign to Me’ feature.

- Agents viewing a request in the support channel will now be shown an issue view modal with access to options to view, edit, and make changes in the request from within the Slack channel.

- Users accessing the view request as customers in the same support channel will be shown the request view modal only.

- Now on changing request type, users will not be prompted to choose their project again.
Users will no longer be hindered by noisy notifications. With a completely new layout, user notifications have been formatted for maximum clarity and to reduce clutter. Users can now differentiate between Troopr actions and text posted by other users in threads in a single glance.

- Earlier only agent users were able to start channel syncs. With the new enhancement, all verified project users with site access can now start Channel Syncs
- Earlier some users were being shown duplicate copies of their thread replies while commenting in real time. This bug has now been fixed.
Users can now set up a demo channel to run trials for Helpdesk without disturbing existing channels in their Slack.

The process of setting up Jira Connection has been made easier with accompanying detailed video instructions.

Users can upload images to make custom emoji in Slack. Now Troopr allows the use of custom emoji to create requests from Slack messages. Read more Emoji ticketing.

- When Troopr does not know about the Jira account of the @mention user in Slack, Troopr will now use the Slack username in Jira. This will work for comments and description.
This feature now allows unverified users (those who have not yet connected their Jira account) to create and comment on Jira requests. At the Slack channel level, the HelpDesk admin can allow a Jira account for guest facilitation. To learn more, click here

You can now create dedicated channels that sync 2 ways with a Jira issue using Troopr’s “Channel Sync” feature. Channel sync can be started from Troopr Assistant app “Home” tab or by inviting Troopr to a new channel. On starting Channel Sync, all participants from the Jira request will be autmoatically added as members of the channel. You can pause and resume syncing in the channel as you need. Channel Sync can only be configured in a channel where Troopr is not already configured. If the channel is syncing with a JSM request, internal comments will not sync by default. Read more about it here.

- Fixed a bug that allowed unverified users to edit channel preferences. An error message will now pop up to prompt verification before users are able to open, edit or configure any channel.
- Multiple issues/requests in the same line will unfurl in the thread.
- DM channel internal comment bug fixed.
- Admin will have access to see all the projects on the metrics page and other places.
- Implemented new sidebar
- Fixed the “Multi message Comment it “ feature in D when it is having attachment
- Change the sidebar drop-down to Click triggered
- Slack channel onboarding text changes
- Fixed Troopr help centre in the feedback model
- Fixed Jira connection onboarding, it was showing all projects in the drop-down for Agent channels.
- Fixed: when deleting a channel configuration from the Channel preference table, the page is going blank
- Fixed: auto-create button is unstable. Fixed: Common filters for long jql showing error
- Fixed: When "Request creator as Assignee" is enabled then if we enable "Request CSAT feedback" then "Request creator as Assignee" is disabled automatically
- Troopr products now show up separately in Troopr web app menu (vs grouped together under Jirabot). This makes for easier navigation for customers that are using only specific products.
- Jira connection onboarding: error in selecting non-service desk project in support channel is handled now.
- Fixed: open any support channel in slack > /t stage command> settings > channel pref > click on advanced > blank page is opening in webapp.
- On the "Channel preference page" now we are showing two tables, one for customer support channels and the other for agent channels.
- Added warning message when disconnecting Jira connection.

Slack threads with Jira Thread Sync will now be customized to show only comments or comments and activities.
- Improved handling of auto-create functionality when the Slack message has more than 255 characters request previews will not generate again when Slack message is updated
- Personal notifications will now link to the customer portal rather than to the project

Request preview (Unfurl) behaviour can now be customized for every channel.
- Requests created from Slack conversations are now attributed appropriately.
- Fixed issues with Chinese language request types in request creation
- Fixed a bug in the request creation command in the bot channel
- Fixed a bug that in some cases blocked the CSAT survey message after the request is resolved
- Fixed a bug that prevented request card update status action from working
- Emoji Task It will now show the appropriate message to invite Troopr to channel

You can now customize the emoji you use to create issues from Slack messages.
- Jira Notification for @mention now uses full name instead of display name
- Slack onboarding now greets with a display name in place of the full name
- Customers can now request a change of subscription plan
Troopr products are now billed separately. Customers can get the benefit of lower prices when buying individual products. See pricing page for more details.
- Date time picker field not showing value in edit mode
- Channel admins can now see all configured channels even when they are not members of said channels
- Disabled Slack link previews in all Troopr messages by default
- Moved "Start thread sync" to the top in jira actions dropdown
- DM channel requesting feature out of beta. Customers can enable by default in personal pref page
- Fixed a bug that caused requesting approval message to not work in some cases
- Jira Server connection time out error will take only 10sec
- Fixed minor bugs in Pricing page UI
- Handled API throttling to limit Jira and Slack API calls when loading web app, to keep within limits

New Channel Preferences page UI shows channel type for clarity.
- Channel configuration can now be deleted in channel preferences main page
- Fixed a bug that caused project search in support channel request creation form to not work
- Internal comments will also show in the agent channel for Jira Server and Cloud
- Troopr now tracks install metadata to provide a custom onboarding experience
- New slack channel onboarding
- Customers can now enable/disable each of the 5 products
- Custom onboarding is available now for each of the 5 products
- Metrics page now moved from Home to Metrics tab
- Customers can restrict access to enabling /disabling Troopr products for the workspace
- Restrict Channel configuration - fixed bug that sometimes showed wrong admins in UI

Troopr now lets you configure a channel to automatically create requests for every message posted.
- Fixed a bug which caused thread sync to not work in some cases
- @mention notification will not be delivered when user does not have access to the project
- Minor performance improvements for Jira notification delivery
- The "Jira Login" button in Slack now takes the user directly to the Atlassian page for authorization
- Fixed formatting issues in rendering issue description
- Fixed a bug in thread sync when triggered from the request list
- Multi-message Task It - Troopr now populates the message poster user name from Jira
- CSAT acknowledgement message now shows the submitted feedback clearly

Customers now receive a feedback survey in Slack for every request that is resolved. They can rate the service by choosing the emoji directly from Slack.
- Fixed issues that prevented some users from receiving @mention Jira notifications in Slack.
- Minor performance improvements to Jira notifications.
- Fixed issues in a few customer channels that reported “Start thread sync” for individual messages even when the channel setting was enabled.

Some IT requests have additional transitions in the workflow with the approval step allowing approvers to take decisions even before the agents can proceed with the requests. The approvers now receive notification to make a decision (approve/decline) in Slack.
- Fixed issues that prevented some users to see recent comments in the Slack thread.
- Users now receive a request update notification message in the dedicated Slack thread when the agent changes the status of the request (from Jira or Slack).
- Fixed issues that prevented some users from accessing the app home.

You can now set request creation defaults for public and private channels. Set any type/number of fields from the request creation form as defaults. This configuration is available in the Channel preferences page.
- Fixed issues that prevented some users from adding comments in the multi-message actions
- Minor fixes in workspace admin access functionality
- Minor improvements in the “user mapping” modal
- Minor UI enhancements in the web app
- Fixed issues that prevented Troopr to be added in some channels where the number of users was greater than 100

You can now choose to raise requests on behalf of others. This field is available in the request creation modal.
- Minor enhancements in request creation and edit modal
- Multiple bug fixes and minor UI improvements in the web app
- Fixed issues that prevented some users from receiving an acknowledgement message when their Jira accounts were not verified
- Minor UI enhancements to Jira onboarding modal

You can now set defaults for request creation in DM’s and private conversation with “Troopr Assistant”. This configuration is available on the Personal preferences page.
- Fixed issues that prevented some users from creating requests when channel defaults are not configured
- Minor fixes in Jira request search and unfurl actions
- Fixed issues that prevented some users from configuring Jira notifications in Slack

You can now enable/disable channel level thread sync as part of the Jira notification subscription configuration. When thread sync is enabled, request creation/updates in Jira will start a thread in Slack where further discussions will be actively synchronized with Jira. Read more about channel notification configuration.
- Fixed issues that prevented some users from performing Jira unfurling in Slack
- Made minor improvements to multi-action attachment
- You can now set a channel for support as a part of channel settings in Slack
- Request view now shows all the important fields in Slack
- Made improvements to Jira server onboarding

You can now create Jira requests from Slack messages using a simple ticket emoji. Read more about ticket creation here.
- Added the request type field in the request creation form
- Fixed issues with automatic user syncing from Slack and user mapping to Jira
- New lines in Slack messages are handled during quick request creation
- Made minor improvements to the search command in Slack
- Admins can now sync users from Slack manually
- Jira bot now supports “update status” and “add comment” commands in Slack

You can now set your preferences for Thread Sync and Unfurl under settings. This setting is available on the Connection settings page.
- Comments in the threads show complete text without truncating
- Fixed webhook issues in the Slack grid for Jira cloud
- Fixed issues with the “Custom report” for JQL configuration for all the Jira Service Desk projects
- The thread sync functionality is now working across all the workspaces in the Slack grid
- The Report creation form will now show a warning message when JQL has more issues than the Report limit
- Fixed issues with the Channel reports & nudges webpage
- Multiple bug fixes and UI enhancements in web app and settings
- Fixed issue with “channel reports & nudges” run now option
- Multiple enhancements in request listing, creation and edit modal
- You can now choose to set up personal notifications for “Issues reported by me”
Now you can view the Jira requests with issue details, attachments, comments and frequent actions all in one place.

- Fixed issues with Slack user profile update sync failing in some scenarios
- Fixed "Issues by Reporter" report to handle cases when the number of reporters is high
- Fixed Jira request status update to also update the corresponding comment in Jira
- Troopr web app - paginated lists now allow page size configuration
- Task it message action in Slack handles rich text formatting better
- Reduced verbosity of messages in Thread Sync
Jira notifications can now be posted in the Slack thread allowing for a more compact notification format and less noise in the channel. The Slack thread can also be configured to auto-sync future updates from Jira to Slack and vice versa. This can be a better way to track and monitor requests in Slack. These options are now configurable in the notification subscription configuration.

You can now open Jira issues in view mode similar to the opening issue in the Jira web app. This action will open a popup with all the issue details organized for easier consumption. It will also contain shortcuts to relevant actions. Check out by clicking on View action in a Jira request card in Slack.
- Now you can submit feedback on Troopr from the web app (similar to how it is done in Slack)
- Fixed an issue where channel list count was showing incorrectly in the dashboard
- Fixed an issue with timezone updates in Slack not syncing with Troopr user profile
- Improved search behaviour in Find action and during /t find
- Fixed an issue with default values not populating in list field types sometimes
- Channel configuration in the Troopr web app will now show who set it up

Troopr usage metrics are now available in the Troopr web Dashboard. This includes the number of active users, activity and others in the current and past 30 day periods.
- Recent Comments in Thread Sync should show recent up to 5 public comments
- Fixed issues with syncing profile updates for the new members from Slack to Troopr
- Disabled auto unfurling of block kit links to external websites for subscription status messages
- Troopr will attempt to mark Slack message sender as requestor during the "Task It" action
- Thread Sync can now be started or stopped in any Slack (request card) message

A Cleaner and more organized sidebar allows more space for content and scales better for upcoming new features in Troopr.
Now Jira service desk agents can convert multiple messages in DM channel conversation to Jira ticket and also start an active sync thread that continuously and automatically updates the Jira ticket with the Slack conversation. The feature is in Beta. Request the team ([email protected]) for early access.
- Jira charts now perform consistently in high load scenarios
- Jira comments form now shows most recent on top
- Jira thread sync now handles permission issues during comment updates gracefully
- Jira notifications now support when a comment is added alongside an attachment
- Jira notifications now show longer comment text before truncating
- Jira notifications now handle comments with visibility restrictions better
- Jira notification subscription form will now warn about existing subscriptions
- Slack user name, profile pic updates now auto-sync into Troopr
- Jira Unfurl now works on edited messages in Slack
- Jira thread sync feature now alerts relevant users during updates
- Troopr workspace switcher in web app shows workspaces list in alphabetical order
Now you can configure the request creator to automatically be assignee based on channel preference.

Customers can now set their own help desk link if they have their own getting started material for their team. This setting is available on the Feedback settings page. This will update the links to Help docs everywhere within Troopr.

- Fixed a Report bug that caused failures in high load scenarios.
- Channel configurations don't show up sometimes in the list in the web app.
- @mention in Slack now will render properly in Jira comment and description
- Thread Sync - Delete the comment in Jira now syncs into active thread
- Unfurl now defaults to thread mode in all-new workspaces
- Request listing filters now show if filters are applied over and above the default channel project
- Task it action behaviour in thread updated
- Dashboard reports (creation & editing) always checks if the user has verified his Jira account

Now you can choose how Troopr expands context when Jira issues are mentioned in Slack. You can also completely disable this behaviour. See configuration in the Connection page for details.

You can now choose to sort the list of tickets that show up when you type /t list or in the Slack app home. Troopr will also remember the settings per channel. Try it in any channel to see how it works.
- Users can now reset channel settings for channel
- Thread Sync now supports @mention formatting
- Thread Sync now supports comment edits updates from Jira
- Fixed bug where some channel configurations won't show in the channel preferences page
- The User mapping page now shows the count of users who have the verified account
- User mapping page allows filtering in user mappings table
- The Ticket creation form now loads faster
- New users in Slack workspace will now be auto mapped to linked Jira account
- "User Mapping" page now accessible only by admins or connection owner
- Jira notification fix - when the user changes the status & comments at the same time, comment notification is no longer missed

Troopr now supports 2-way real-time ticket syncing in Slack. Conversations in an active thread in Slack will become comments in Jira for the linked tickets. Any update to the ticket in Jira will also show up in the thread, always and in real-time.
Users navigating across workspaces in Slack Grid will now have a more seamless experience
- Troopr shows shared channel reports in all relevant workspaces in Grid
- Troop shows shared channel configuration in all relevant workspaces in Grid
- Troopr auto-syncs user preferences across workspaces in the Grid
These features are in addition to the Jira admin and user connection configuration propagation across workspaces in Grid released earlier.
- Troopr Launcher - minor design changes for easier accessibility of frequent actions
- Multiple bug fixes in ticket listing and notifications
The new Troopr web Dashboard page will be the default landing page. Other than the personal reports which you could always configure here, the new dashboard has shortcuts to important pages for managing your Check-ins, Jira account and more. Login to and see for yourself.
Troopr subscription can now be attached to Atlassian Billing. This allows customers to pay via their existing Atlassian payment profile. Troopr will sync the license in your linked Atlassian account when you choose to enable it.
- Troopr handles cases when the app is accessed from a Grid member workspace where it is not installed. More Grid workspace bugs resolved.
- Adding the user to an existing Troopr workspace in Grid now automatically replicate his Jira access. Removing the user removes his token from that workspace.
- The billing module now handles payment failures with support for self-service resolution options.
- Slack app dashboard (app home) now shows the last refresh time.
- Workspace picker now shows full name.
- You can now delete the Channel defaults configuration if you have permission
Workspace administration and a few more premium features were launched as part of the "Premium" plan. Learn more about the new pricing options.
Customers can now manage their Billing profile in the Troopr customer billing portal. The new portal will allow customers to
- Update payment method
- Download Invoices
- Change Troopr subscription plan
- Update Billing profile information
- Only workspace administrators will have access to the customer Billing portal. Read more about it.
- Fixed issue with showing default reporter value in the ticket creation form.
- Fixed issues with setting the default project tracker for the workspace.
- When a Slack message is converted to an issue with the "Task It" action, Troopr will use the sender of the Slack message as the reporter of the ticket.
- Admin access control enabled for Jira user mapping feature.
The person who installed Troopr is the Troopr workspace administrator by default. Now you can add more administrators using the Troopr workspace administration feature. Add any member of the workspace as administrator.
Configure Channel administrators and restrict access to channel configuration. For example, if you integrate with Jira Service Desk projects, you can set up the agents as channels administrators for the IT helpdesk channel, so customers reporting issues in the channel will be restricted.
- Dismiss button now made available in most of Troopr's messages.
- "Show Activity" message design is now consistent with typical notification design.
- Jira grouped notifications now show the most recent update on top.