Check-in administrators

Troopr Check-ins supports multiple administrators. By default, only the Check-in creator can manage the Check-in configuration. However, in the case where you need to change the owner or add more administrators for the Check-in, you can add in Check-in Settings page.


To use this feature, start by navigating to Troopr web application at and select your Check-in from the drop-down, select "Settings" and check out the "Check-in Administration" section.Add a new administrator by selecting any workspace member from the drop-down.

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Note: Check-in administrators need not be participants of the Check-in


  • Add, Remove other Check-in admins
  • Configure Check-in configuration

Note that an administrator cannot remove himself from the role. ​Workspace Administrators will all Check-in admin privileges except the ability to remove other Check-in administrators (until they become Check-in administrators themselves)Note that an administrator cannot remove himself from the role. Workspace Administrators will all Check-in admin privileges except the ability to remove other Check-in administrators (until they become Check-in administrators themselves)